Senate Bill 838 (S-1 as reported)��������������������������������������������� Throughout this document Senate means Subcommittee

Committee:� Appropriations








FY 2021-22


FY 2022-23




FTE Positions..............................................................

�������������� 1,054.5

�������������� 1,055.5

��������������������� 1.0

����������� 0.1�


������ 220,852,600

������ 342,916,000

������ 122,063,400

��������� 55.3�






�� Interdepartmental Grants Received.........................

������������� 101,800

������������� 101,800

������������������������ 0

����������� 0.0�

ADJUSTED GROSS....................................................

������ 220,750,800

������ 342,814,200

������ 122,063,400

��������� 55.3�






�� Federal Funds...........................................................

������ 120,015,300

������ 189,864,300

�������� 69,849,000

��������� 58.2�

�� Local and Private.......................................................

������������� 640,000

������������� 640,000

������������������������ 0

����������� 0.0�

TOTAL STATE SPENDING.........................................

������ 100,095,500

������ 152,309,900

�������� 52,214,400

��������� 52.2�






�� Other State Restricted Funds..................................

�������� 21,336,700

�������� 18,794,900

��������� (2,541,800)

�������� (11.9)


�������� 78,758,800

������ 133,515,000

�������� 54,756,200

��������� 69.5�

PAYMENTS TO LOCALS...........................................

���������� 4,386,500

���������� 4,386,500

������������������������ 0

����������� 0.0�

*As of April 12, 2022.







FY 2021-22 Year-to-Date Appropriation.................................................




Changes from FY 2021-22 Year-to-Date:



  1.  Armory Modernization. The Governor and Senate recommended $115.0 million gross, including $60.0 million Federal, and $55.0 million GF/GP to modernize State armories, including improvements necessary to accommodate female guard members.



  2.  Grand Rapids Home for Veterans. The Governor and Senate recommended $6,456,000 gross, including $1,831,000 Federal, $560,000 Restricted, and $4,065,000 GF/GP to cover transition costs related to assuming operation of a new facility.



  3.  Selfridge Air Guard Base. The Governor recommended $6.1 million GF/GP to improve/expand facilities at Selfridge Air Base to prepare it for future generation aircraft flying missions. The Senate did not include.



  4.  Michigan Veterans Facility Authority (MVFA). The Governor recommended $6.0 million GF/GP in one-time funding to assist the Authority to bridge vet homes' operational financing between current GF/GP and anticipated federal and restricted revenue. The Senate did not include.



   5.  National Guard Tuition Assistance Program. The Governor and Senate recommended an increase of 1.0 FTE and $5.0 million GF/GP �to allow for inclusion of spouses and children of guard members to be eligible for the program, which would bring the total appropriation for the program to $11,521,900 GF/GP for FY 2022-23.



  6.  Suicide Prevention Outreach. The Governor and Senate recommended $1.2 million GF/GP for the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency to conduct a suicide prevention outreach program.



  7.  Military Retirement. The Governor and Senate recommended $582,000 GF/GP to accommodate anticipated retirement cost obligations, which would result in a total FY 2022-23 retirement appropriation of $1,457,000 GF/GP.



  8.  State Cemetery Feasibility Study. The Governor recommended $250,000 GF/GP in one-time funding for a contracted study to determine the feasibility and cost of a proposed State military cemetery. The Senate provided a $100 GF/GP placeholder for the study.



  9.  Michigan Veterans Affairs Administration. The Senate reduced the Michigan Veterans Affairs Administration appropriations line to accommodate funding for a $100 one-time placeholder appropriation for a cemetery feasibility study.



10.  Grand Rapids Home for Veterans. The Governor and Senate recommended funding of $201,100 GF/GP to cover increases in building security contract costs.



11.  Chesterfield Township Home for Veterans. The Governor recommended funding of $50,300 GF/GP to cover increases in building security contract costs.



12.  Fund Shifts. The Governor and Senate recommended fund shift of $6.0 million GF/GP to Federal (Medicaid) and a fund shift of $2,745,100 from Restricted to Federal (Veterans Health Administration).



13.  Elimination of FY 2021-22 One-Time Funding. The Governor and Senate recommended the elimination of FY 2021-22 one-time funding of $8,956,000 Gross, including $6,456,000 Gross, $1,831,000 Federal, $560,000 Restricted and $4,065,000 GF/GP for Grand Rapids Home for Veterans Transition, and $2.5 million GF/GP for Record Consolidation and Digitization.



14.   Economic Adjustments. Includes $2,530,000 Gross and $1,222,800 GF/GP for total economic adjustments, of which an estimated negative $1,036,000 Gross and negative $493,300 GF/GP is for legacy retirement costs.



15.   Comparison to Governor's Recommendation. The Senate is $12,350,000 Gross and $12,350,000 GF/GP under the Governor.




Total Changes......................................................................................



FY 2022-23 Senate Appropriations Subcommittee Recommendation




FY 2022-23 Boilerplate Changes from FY 2021-22 Year-to-Date:

  1.  Acronyms and Definitions. The Governor removed definition of "subcommittee", "core services", "support services", "work project", and recommended other changes. The Senate retained current year language, but added additional legal citations. (Sec. 203)

  2.  Disciplinary Action. The Governor recommended elimination of this section, which prohibited action against an employee for communicating with legislative staff. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 206)

  3.  General Fund Lapse Report. The Governor recommended amending language to shift the due date of the report from no later than November 30 to December 31. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 209)

  4.  Contingency Fund Legislative Transfers. The Governor recommended language to increase the maximum of Federal fund transfers from $8.6 million to $12.0 million, increase the maximum for Restricted funds from $1.1 million to $3.0 million, Local funds from $250,000 to $500,000 and keep private funds limit at $100,000 that would be eligible for transfer. The Senate did not include this section. (Sec. 210)

  5.  FTE and Remote Work Report. The Governor recommended the elimination of language requiring a quarterly FTE and remote work report. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 216)

  6.  Work Project Expenditures. The Governor deleted this section, which required that, to the extent possible, appropriations in part 1 not be spent until all existing work project funds for that same purpose have been spent. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 217)

  7.  Administrative Board Transfers. The Governor deleted this section, which allows the Legislature to transfer funds via resolution if the Administrative Board transferred funds. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 218)

  8.  Retention of Reports. The Governor recommended elimination of this section, which requires the Department to receive and retain records. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 219)

  9.  Policy Changes Made to Implement Public Acts. The Governor deleted language that required the Department to report annually on policy changes made to implement recent public acts. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 220)

10.  Biannual Reports. The Governor recommended removing language requiring biannual reports to be sent to subcommittees and removed employee status report. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 221)

11.  Core Services Listing. The Governor recommended elimination of listing of Department core services upon which appropriations in part 1 is based. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 222)

12.  Standardized List of Report Recipients. The Governor recommended new language that standardizes what entities would receive any required report. The Senate did not include this section. (Sec. 224)

13.  Notice of Intention to Sell Real Property. The Governor recommended deletion of required notification to Legislature of intent to sell real property. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 224)

14.  Payment of Court Judgments. The Governor deleted language that requires a report of tentative plans of how to pay required court judgments against the Department. The Senate retained this section. (Sec. 225)

15.  Receive and Expend Private Revenues - Veterans Homes. The Senate removed current year section which allowed for receipt and expenditure of private revenues above the amount appropriated in part 1. (Sec. 226)

16.  Severance Pay Report. The Governor deleted a requirement for a report on any severance pay spent by the Department. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 227)

17.  COVID-19 Requirements. The Governor deleted language prohibiting certain departmental requirements for COVID-19 vaccinations or testing. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 228)

18.  COVID Vaccine Waiver Report. The Senate added new language which requires the department to report by December 1 on the department waiver requests for FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22. (Sec. 230)

19.  Retirement Processing Report. The Senate added new language requiring a quarterly report on the time it takes for the department to process retirement requests by members of the national guard. (Sec.231)

20.  Unclassified Salaries Quarterly Report. The Governor recommended elimination of language that required quarterly status and notification of when a new unclassified position has been added or changed. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 301)

21.  National Guard Armories. The Governor removed language concerning armory appropriations general purpose. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 302)

22.  Michigan Youth ChalleNGe Academy. The Governor removed performance metrics language. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 303)

23.  Military Family Relief Fund. The Governor removed language concerning program goals and metrics. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 304)

24.  Billeting Fund. The Governor amended language to require an annual report by December 15. The Senate specified December 1. (Sec. 306)

25.  National Guard Tuition Assistance Program. The Governor recommend elimination of statutory reference, unmet needs report and performance metrics. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 307)

26.  Receive and Expend Private Revenues - Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency Administration. The Senate removed current year section which allowed for receipt and expenditure of private revenues above the amount appropriated in part 1. (Sec. 404)

27.  Michigan Veterans Trust Fund. The Governor recommended elimination of statutory reference and performance metrics. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 405)

28.  Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA). The Governor recommended elimination of language pertaining to goals and performance metrics. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 406)

29.  Veterans Service Organization Grants. The Governor recommended several changes to guidelines for the grant program, including removal of biannual and quarterly reports, and details contained in reports by grantees. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 407)

30.  Interagency Agreement with the Department of Health and Human Services. The Governor recommended elimination of this section calling for an interagency agreement to identify Medicaid recipients who may qualify for veterans benefits. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 409)

31.  County Veterans Service Fund. The Governor recommended increasing the amount for the MVAA to use for administration of the program from $200,000 to $260,000. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 410)

32.  Michigan Veterans Facility Authority. The Governor recommended removing language stating MVFA authority over State veterans homes. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 451)

33.  Veterans Facility Operations. The Governor recommended reorganization of section and removal of certain existing requirements. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 452)

34.  Veterans Homes Quality of Care. The Governor recommended elimination of this section which calls to "meet or exceed" the Centers for Medicare And Medicaid Services certification standards. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 453)

35.  Private Revenues - Veterans Facilities. The Governor recommended new language to allow for private revenue held by the State on a nonfiduciary basis for a member to be appropriated for medical or other expenses incurred by a member, per GASP requirements. The Senate did not include this section. (Sec. 464)

36.  Special Maintenance - Veterans Homes. The Governor recommended language mentioning examples of specific projects be eliminated. The Senate retained current year language. (Sec. 503)

37.  Record Consolidation and Digitization. The Governor and Senate recommended language providing guidelines for one-time appropriations be eliminated. (Sec. 601)

38.  Veterans Suicide Prevention Outreach. The Governor and Senate recommended new language providing guidelines for proposed veterans suicide prevention outreach program in part 1. (Sec. 602)


Date Completed: �4-21-22������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Fiscal Analyst:� Bruce Baker

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.