Senate Bill 840 (S-1 as reported)�������������������������������������������� Throughout this document Senate means Subcommittee.

Committee:� Appropriations








FY 2021-22


FY 2022-23




FTE Positions..............................................................

����������������� 1,461.0

����������������� 1,264.2

������������������ (196.8)

��������� (13.5)


������ 2,644,068,500

��������� 591,296,200

���� (2,052,772,300)

��������� (77.6)






�� Interdepartmental Grants Received.........................

������������� 3,544,900

������������� 3,406,400

�������������� (138,500)

����������� (3.9)

ADJUSTED GROSS....................................................

������ 2,640,523,600

��������� 587,889,800

���� (2,052,633,800)

��������� (77.7)






�� Federal Funds...........................................................

������ 2,041,617,200

��������� 185,641,700

���� (1,855,975,500)

��������� (90.9)

�� Local and Private.......................................................

������������� 1,411,200

������������� 1,415,500

�������������������� 4,300

������������� 0.3�

TOTAL STATE SPENDING.........................................

��������� 597,495,200

��������� 400,832,600

������� (196,662,600)

��������� (32.9)






�� Other State Restricted Funds..................................

��������� 304,550,000

��������� 327,354,900

����������� 22,804,900

������������� 7.5�


��������� 292,945,200

����������� 73,477,700

������� (219,467,500)

��������� (74.9)

PAYMENTS TO LOCALS...........................................

����������� 72,146,000

����������� 30,716,000

��������� (41,430,000)

��������� (57.4)

*As of April 12, 2022.





FY 2021-22 Year-to-Date Appropriation.................................................




Changes from FY 2021-22 Year-to-Date:



  1.  Infrastructure Act Funding for Water State Revolving Funds. The Governor proposed $214.0 million in Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funding for the Water State Revolving Funds. Funding would provide loans, grants, and direct funding to local communities for eligible water infrastructure. The Senate did not include as item was already appropriated in P.A. 53 of 2022.



  2.  Legacy Contamination Cleanup (0.0 FTEs). The Governor proposed $49.3 million in State restricted funds ($175,000 GF/GP) for contamination cleanup: $30.2 million in funding and 16.0 FTEs as an ongoing appropriation and $19.2 million in as a one-time appropriation to assist in providing resources to identify, assess, and clean up legacy contaminated sites. The Senate did not include the $175,000 in GF/GP or the additional FTEs; but did include the $49.2 million in state restricted funds.



  3.  Community Technical, Managerial, and Financial Support for Lead Line Replacement. The Governor proposed $48.0 million in GF/GP as a one-time appropriation to provide grants to local communities to assist with lead line replacements and performing water treatment upgrades. The Senate did not include.



  4.  Infrastructure Act Match Requirements for Water State Revolving Funds. The Governor proposed $36.4 million in GF/GP as one-time appropriation to meet Federal match requirements necessary to access IIJA funding for the Water State Revolving Funds. The appropriation would allow the State to access funding allocated to Michigan over the next two fiscal years. The Senate did not include as item was already appropriated in P.A. 53 of 2022.



  5.  High Water Infrastructure Grants. The Governor proposed $34.3 million in GF/GP for a one-time appropriation in high water infrastructure grants to provide local communities support for their needs related to high water, resiliency planning, and infrastructure. The Senate did not include.



  6.  Infrastructure Act Funding for Orphan Wells (0.0 FTEs). The Governor proposed $31.0 million in Federal IIJA funding and 2.0 FTEs to support the State's orphan well program. The funding would assist in identifying, sealing, and performing remediation at sites in the State. The Senate did not include funding or the additional FTEs.



  7.  Contaminated Site Cleanup Rapid Response Fund. The Governor proposed $20.0 million in GF/GP as a one-time appropriation. The funding would support rapid response remediation efforts at new high-risk contaminated sites that arise throughout the year. The Senate did not include.



  8.  Infrastructure Act Funding for Energy Efficiency Grants (0.0 FTEs). The Governor proposed $23.0 million in Federal IIJA funding: $15.8 million in funding and 5.0 FTEs for the environmental sustainability and stewardship program, and $7.2 million in funding for the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Revolving Loan Fund. The funding would be used to provide energy efficiency grants to assist local communities and businesses in implementing infrastructure and policies that are energy efficient. The Senate did not include the funding or the additional FTEs.



  9.  Wetland Mitigation Grants. The Senate included $10.0 million in GF/GP to develop and award grants to assist with wetland mitigation actions including the purchase of wetland mitigation banking credits when available.



10.  Buffalo Reef Project. The Senate included a $10.0 million boilerplate appropriation from the funding for the remediation and redevelopment division. This funding would cover costs associated with the planning and construction of a coal dock jetty to be used for the dredging of stamp sands from Lake Superior in Gay, Michigan.



11.  Safe Drinking Water Enforcement and Monitoring (0.0 FTEs). The Governor proposed $9.2 million in GF/GP: $1.8 million in funding and 12.0 FTEs for the drinking water program, and $7.4 million and 7.0 FTEs for the environmental health program. The funding would assist in providing safe drinking water through improved oversight, enforcement, accelerated issuance of permits, and support to local health departments that perform water monitoring and testing. The Senate did not include funding or the additional FTEs.



12.  Reducing Air Permit Application Wait Times and Improving Air Quality Monitoring (0.0 FTEs). The Governor proposed $4.4 million in GF/GP and 24.0 FTEs to assist in reducing air permit application wait times and improving air quality monitoring in the State. The Senate did not include the funding or the additional FTEs.



13.  Grants and Records Management (0.0 FTEs). The Governor proposed $2.9 million in GF/GP appropriations: $2.0 million as a one-time appropriation, and $935,400 and 6.0 FTEs as an ongoing appropriation to increase efficiency, transparency, and public access through improved digitization. The Senate did not include the funding or the additional FTEs.



14.  Geologic Data Collection. The Senate included $1.7 million to conduct data collection mapping to expand the geologic information available in up to 25 targeted areas in this state.



15.  Federal Funding for Water Infrastructure Loans (0.0 FTEs). The Governor proposed a $1.4 million appropriation: $1.2 million in Federal funding, $207,700 in state restricted funds, and 4.0 FTEs to support water infrastructure loans and assist with the administration of the program. The Senate included the funding, but not the additional FTEs.



16.  Sea Wall Project. The Senate included $1.0 million GF/GP for the construction of a public sea wall project in the City of Muskegon.



17.  Watershed Council Grants. The Senate reinstated $600,000 for grant awards to be used for education, administration, and conservation.



18.  Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program. The Senate included a dedicated funding source supporting this program.



19.  5% Adjustment in GF/GP Spending in the Prior Year. Adjustment was calculated using last year's GF/GP funding, less all GF/GP one-time appropriations, and omits the state's water revolving funds. Then multiplied by 5% which equaled a $2.8 million GF/GP reduction.



20.  Contaminated Site Cleanup Contingency Reserve Fund - Boilerplate Appropriation. The Governor proposed the removal of current year one-time funding. The Senate included.



21.  CSB Technical Adjustment. The Governor proposed five funding source adjustments totaling a negative $27.7 million. These adjustments would align department spending with available resources. The Senate included the recommendation for the adjustment labeled "Align Spending Authorization", all other "Internal Transfers" were not included.


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22.  Removal of FY 2021-22 One-Time Federal and GF/GP Funding. The Governor proposed the removal of current year one-time funding. The Senate included the recommended removal for all items except $600,000 for Watershed Council Grants mentioned above.



23.  Removal of P.A 53 of 2022 One-Time Federal and GF/GP Funding. This adjustment reflects the amount of funding the Department received in supplemental funding for FY 2021-22 that is not included in FY 2022-23.



24.  Unclassified Salaries. The Governor included $47,000 increase in unclassified salaries; $12,100 in GF/GP. The Senate included.



25.  Economic Adjustments. Includes $4,682,000 Gross and $1,165,300 GF/GP for total economic adjustments, of which an estimated negative $1,989.200 Gross and a negative $491,900 GF/GP is for legacy retirement costs (pension and retiree health). The Senate included.



26.   Comparison to Governor's Recommendation. The Senate is $412,803,000 Gross and $144,803,000 GF/GP under the Governor.




Total Changes.........................................................................................



FY 2022-23 Senate Appropriations Subcommittee Recommendation....




FY 2022-23 Boilerplate Changes from FY 2021-22 Year-to-Date:

  1.  Deleted - Removed Sections. The Senate proposed eliminating the following sections from current-year boilerplate. Some of these deletions align with the Governor's original recommendations and include a variety of sections such as reporting requirements, contingency funds, deprived and depressed communities, and record retention requirements. (Secs. 210, 215, 219, 220, 222, 302, 312, 315, 351, and 411)

  2.  Deleted - Removed One-Time Appropriations. The Senate proposed eliminating the following one-time sections from current-year boilerplate. Some of these deletions align with the Governor's original recommendations. (Secs. 1001 both the prior year and as proposed, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017, and 1018)

  3.  Reinstated - Reverted to Sections from P.A. 87 of 2021. The Senate reinstated the following sections. These sections include a variety of reporting requirements, statements of legislative intent, and more. (Secs. 202, 205, 206, 216, 217, 218, 221, 223, 224, 225, 237, 238, 305, and 306)

  4.  Retained - As Proposed by the Governor. The Governor proposed technical adjustments to the following sections. The Senate included. (Secs. 201, 204, 209, 211, 212, 214, 308, 401, 701, 801, and 901)

  5.  Modified - Modified Proposal by the Governor. The Governor proposed technical adjustments to the following sections. The Senate included but made technical adjustments. (Secs. 203, 207, 223)

  6.  Modified - Reimbursement in Legal Expenses. The Senate includes a revision to existing language allowing other departments hire outside counsel and seek reimbursement for legal fees from the attorney general. (Sec. 208)

  7.  Deleted - Receive and Expend Settlement Revenue. The Governor proposed adding language that would allow the immediate use of settlement revenue for the purpose of remediation activities as authorized by a court. The Senate did not include. (Sec. 315)

  8.  Deleted - Water State Revolving Funds Work Project. The Governor proposed adding work project language outlining the use of a one-time appropriation. The Senate did not include, this funding has already been appropriated as part of P.A. 53 of 2022. (Sec. 1001)

  9.  New/Modified - One-Time Appropriations. The Senate proposed language on the use of one-time funding to be implemented across the following sections. *The Senate retained and modified sections from P.A. 87 of 2021 and moved them to new sections. (Secs. 1001*, 1002*, 1003, 1004, 1005, and 1006)



Date Completed:� 4-19-22 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Fiscal Analyst:� Ben Dawson


This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.