SCHOOL AID SUPPLEMENTAL���������������������������������������������������������������������� H.B. 6012:

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� SUMMARY AS ENACTED










House Bill 6012 (as enacted) ������������������������������������������������� PUBLIC ACT 93 of 2022

Sponsor:� Representative Pamela Hornberger

House Committee:� Appropriations (discharged)

Senate Committee:� Appropriations (discharged)


Date Completed:� 7-7-22




The bill would amend the State School Aid Act to provide supplemental appropriations for fiscal year (FY) 2021-22. Specifically, the bill would add $31,078,000 in State School Aid Fund (SAF) money and $6,250,000 in General Fund (GF/GP) money, for a gross supplemental appropriation of $37,328,000.


The bill would appropriate $9,828,000 SAF to a district that was forced to close a building for at least 20 consecutive days as a result of the district's response to an act of pupil violence. The funds could be used for personnel and additional student supports, including psychologists, family liaisons, mental health staff, school security, additional learning time, legal fees, and the physical restoration of a school building. The bill states that it is the intent of the Legislature that for 2021-2022 only, summative assessments not be used for retention decisions, educator evaluations, and other high-stakes decisions.


The bill also would appropriate $11,250,000 SAF and $3,750,000 GF/GP for grants to districts, intermediate school districts (ISDs), and nonpublic schools to contract with a vendor for comprehensive safety and security assessments. Grant payments would be limited to $2,000 for each school building operated by a recipient. Finally, the bill would appropriate $10.0 million SAF and $2.5 million GF/GP to districts, ISDs, and nonpublic schools for critical incidence mapping implementation, which are detailed, standardized maps of district buildings that can be used by first responders when responding to a critical incident.


MCL 388.1611 et al.




The bill would appropriate $31,078,000 SAF and $6,250,000 GF/GP for various FY 2021-22 supplemental funding; the gross increase in appropriations would be $37,328,000. Payments to local units of government (school districts and ISDs) would increase by $31,078,000.


������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Fiscal Analyst:� Ryan Bergan



This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.