Substitute For


A bill to amend 1979 PA 94, entitled

"The state school aid act of 1979,"

by amending section 11 (MCL 388.1611), as amended by 2021 PA 48, and by adding section 11w.

The people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 11. (1) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021, there is appropriated for the public schools of this state and certain other state purposes relating to education the sum of $13,715,807,900.00 from the state school aid fund, the sum of $54,464,600.00 from the general fund, an amount not to exceed $79,800,000.00 from the community district education trust fund created under section 12 of the Michigan trust fund act, 2000 PA 489, MCL 12.262, and an amount not to exceed $100.00 from the water emergency reserve fund. For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, there is appropriated for the public schools of this state and certain other state purposes relating to education the sum of $14,797,232,100.00 $14,797,090,700.00 from the state school aid fund, the sum of $85,400,000.00 $91,369,400.00 from the general fund, an amount not to exceed $72,000,000.00 from the community district education trust fund created under section 12 of the Michigan trust fund act, 2000 PA 489, MCL 12.262, and an amount not to exceed $100.00 from the water emergency reserve fund. In addition, all available federal funds are only appropriated as allocated in this article for the fiscal years year ending September 30, 2021 and September 30, 2022.

(2) The appropriations under this section are allocated as provided in this article. Money appropriated under this section from the general fund must be expended to fund the purposes of this article before the expenditure of money appropriated under this section from the state school aid fund.

(3) Any general fund allocations under this article that are not expended by the end of the fiscal year are transferred to the school aid stabilization fund created under section 11a.

Sec. 11w. (1) From the state school aid fund money appropriated in section 11, there is allocated for 2021-2022 an amount not to exceed $3,528,000.00 for payments to 1 district that was forced to close a building operated by the district for an extended period of time, but not less than 20 consecutive school days, as a result of the district's response to an act of pupil violence. Funds allocated under this subsection must be used as follows:

(a) A total of $828,000.00 for all of the following, with $414,000.00 of this amount to be used in the fiscal year the funding is received and the remaining $414,000.00 of this amount to be used in the fiscal year immediately following the fiscal year the funding is received:

(i) The hiring or retention of a psychologist.

(ii) The hiring or retention of a family school liaison.

(iii) The hiring or retention of a mental health director.

(iv) The hiring or retention of a school resource officer.

(v) The implementation of safety and security assessments.

(b) A total of $1,000,000.00 for fees for the following services, with $500,000.00 of this amount to be used in the fiscal year the funding is received and the remaining $500,000.00 of this amount to be used in the fiscal year immediately following the fiscal year the funding is received:

(i) Public relations consulting.

(ii) Private security.

(c) A total of $1,300,000.00 for the following purposes, with $650,000.00 of this amount to be used in the fiscal year the funding is received and the remaining $650,000.00 of this amount to be used in the fiscal year immediately following the fiscal year the funding is received:

(i) The provision of an extended summer school program for 2022 and 2023 made available to all pupils who were enrolled in the district in the school year immediately preceding the start date of the extended summer school program.

(ii) Support for co-pays and insurance costs of pupil families, community members, and school staff.

(d) A total of $400,000.00, with $200,000.00 of this amount to be used in the fiscal year the funding is received and the remaining $200,000.00 of this amount to be used in the fiscal year immediately following the fiscal year the funding is received, for reimbursements for legal services that are a direct result of the district's response to an act of pupil violence.

(2) In addition to the allocation under subsection (1), from the state school aid fund money appropriated in section 11, there is allocated for 2021-2022 only an amount not to exceed $2,300,000.00 for payments to the district described in subsection (1) for 1-time costs. Funds allocated under this subsection must be used for the following:

(a) After accounting for reimbursements made by insurance, reimbursements, based on receipts, for physical repairs and replacements, including, but not limited to, reimbursements for furniture.

(b) An independent, third-party review.

(c) A mass notification system.

(d) Additional security cameras for the district's middle school and high school.

(3) In addition to the allocations under subsection (1) and (2), from the state school aid fund money appropriated in section 11, there is allocated for 2021-2022 only an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00 for payments to the district described in subsection (1).

(4) For 2021-2022 only, for the district described in subsection (1), it is the intent of the legislature that results from summative assessments administered by the district during the 2021-2022 school year are not used for retention decisions, educator evaluations, and other high-stakes decisions. The department is encouraged to work with the district to determine alternative methods to comply with applicable state laws.

(5) The funds allocated under this section for 2021-2022 are a work project appropriation, and any unexpended funds for 2021-2022 are carried forward into 2022-2023. The purpose of the work project is to continue to provide support to the district described in subsection (1). The estimated completion date of the work project is September 30, 2023.

(6) Notwithstanding section 17b, the department shall make payments under this section on a schedule determined by the department.

Enacting section 1. In accordance with section 30 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963, total state spending on school aid under article I of the state school aid act of 1979, 1979 PA 94, MCL 388.1601 to 388.1772, as amended by 2021 PA 48 and this amendatory act, from state sources for fiscal year 2021-2022 is estimated at $14,960,460,200.00 and state appropriations for school aid to be paid to local units of government for fiscal year 2021-2022 are estimated at $13,765,198,200.00.