June 15, 2021, Introduced by Rep. Thanedar and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.

A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled

"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"

by amending sections 3110 and 4104 (MCL 324.3110 and 324.4104), as amended by 2017 PA 90.

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 3110. (1) Each industrial or commercial entity, other than a concentrated animal feed operation, that discharges liquid wastes into any surface water or groundwater or underground or on the ground other than through a public sanitary sewer shall have waste treatment or control facilities under the specific supervision and control of persons individuals who have been are certified by the department as properly qualified to operate the facilities. The department shall examine all supervisory personnel having supervision and control of the facilities, other than a concentrated animal feed operation, and certify that the persons individuals are properly qualified to operate or supervise the facilities.

(2) The department may conduct a program for training persons individuals seeking to be certified as operators or supervisors under subsection (1), section 4104, or section 9 of the safe drinking water act, 1976 PA 399, MCL 325.1009. Until October 1, 2021, the The department may charge a fee based on the costs to the department of operating this training program. The fees shall must be deposited into the operator training and certification fund created in section 3134.

(3) The department shall administer certification operator programs for persons individuals seeking to be certified as operators or supervisors under subsection (1), section 4104, or section 9 of the safe drinking water act, 1976 PA 399, MCL 325.1009. A person wishing An individual that wishes to become certified as an operator or a supervisor shall submit an application to the department containing information required by the department. Information submitted as part of the application shall must be considered part of the examination for certification. Until October 1, 2021, the The department may charge a certification examination fee and a certification renewal fee in accordance with the following fee schedule:

(a) For certification examinations under subsection (1), the following fees apply:

(i) Industrial wastewater certification level 1 or 2 examination as described under subrule (2) of R 323.1253 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $35.00.$70.00.

(ii) Industrial wastewater certification level 3 examination as described under subrule (2) of R 323.1253 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $40.00.$80.00.

(iii) Industrial wastewater special classification A-1a examination or noncontact cooling water A-1h examination as described under subrule (2) of R 323.1253 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $30.00.$60.00.

(iv) Storm water Stormwater industrial certification A-1i examination as described under subrule (2) of R 323.1253 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $30.00.$190.00.

(b) For certification examinations under section 4104, the following fees apply:

(i) Municipal wastewater certification level A, B, C, or D examination as described under subrule (1) of R 299.2911 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $70.00.$140.00.

(ii) Municipal wastewater certification level L2 examination as described under subrule (3)(a) of R 299.2911 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $45.00.$90.00.

(iii) Municipal wastewater certification level L1 examination as described under subrule (3)(b) of R 299.2911 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $45.00.$90.00.

(iv) Municipal wastewater certification level SC examination as described under subrule (4) of R 299.2911 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $45.00.$90.00.

(c) For certification examinations under section 9 of the safe drinking water act, 1976 PA 399, MCL 325.1009, for operators of the following systems, the following fees apply:

(i) Drinking water complete treatment system classes F-1, F-2, F-3, or F-4 as described under subrule (1) of R 325.11901 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $70.00.$140.00.

(ii) Drinking water limited treatment system classes D-1, D-2, D-3, or D-4 as described under subrule (2) of R 325.11901 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $70.00.$140.00.

(iii) Drinking water distribution system classes S-1, S-2, S-3, or S-4 as described under R 325.11902 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $70.00.$140.00.

(iv) Drinking water complete treatment system class F-5 as described under subrule (1) of R 325.11901 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $45.00.$90.00.

(v) Drinking water limited treatment system class D-5 as described under subrule (2) of R 325.11901 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $45.00.$90.00.

(vi) Drinking water distribution system class S-5 as described under R 325.11902 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $45.00.$90.00.

(d) For certification renewals under subsection (1), the following fees apply:

(i) Storm water Stormwater industrial certification A-1i as described under subrule (2) of R 323.1253 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $95.00.$100.00.

(ii) Storm water Stormwater construction certification A-1j as described under subrule (2) of R 323.1253 of the Michigan Administrative Code, $95.00.$100.00.

(iii) All other industrial wastewater certification levels 1, 2, or 3 as described under subrule (2) of R 323.1253 of the Michigan Administrative Code and issued on a single certificate, $95.00.$190.00.

(e) For certification renewals under section 4104 for all municipal wastewater certification levels as described under R 299.2911 of the Michigan Administrative Code and issued on a single certificate, $95.00.$190.00.

(f) For certification renewals under section 9 of the safe drinking water act, 1976 PA 399, MCL 325.1009, for all drinking water certification levels as described under R 325.11901 or R 325.11902 of the Michigan Administrative Code and issued on a single certificate, $95.00.$140.00.

(4) The failure to pay a required certification examination fee within 90 days after taking an examination is considered failure of the examination. The department shall not allow an individual to take a future examination within the failed examination program unless he or she pays the prior fee in full.

(5) The department shall conduct a program for persons or organizations seeking to offer approved continuing education courses to be used by certified operators and supervisors when renewing their certifications under subsection (1), section 4104, and section 9 of the safe drinking water act, 1976 PA 399, MCL 325.1009. The department may charge continuing education providers a course application fee and course renewal fee as provided in the following fee schedule:

(a) An application for approval of a training course, $75.00 $150.00 for each course.

(b) An application for renewal of an approved training course, $50.00 $100.00 for each course.

(6) All fees collected under this section shall must be deposited in the operator training and certification fund established created in section 3134.

(7) A person An individual certified as required by subsection (1) shall file monthly, or at such longer intervals as the department may designate, on forms provided by the department, reports showing the effectiveness of the treatment or control facility operation and the quantity and quality of discharged liquid wastes. If a person an individual knowingly makes a false statement in a report, the department may revoke his or her certificate as an approved treatment facility operator.

(8) This section does not apply to water, gas, or other material that is injected into a well to facilitate production of oil or gas or to water derived in association with oil or gas production and disposed of in a well, if the well is used either to facilitate production or for disposal purposes and is under permit by the state supervisor of wells.

Sec. 4104. (1) The department may promulgate and enforce rules as that the department considers necessary governing and providing a method of conducting and operating all or a part of sewerage systems including sewage treatment works. The department shall classify sewage treatment works with regard to size, type, location, and other physical conditions affecting those works and according to the skill, knowledge, experience, and character that the person individual who is in charge of the active operation of the sewage treatment works must possess to successfully operate the works and to prevent the discharge of deleterious matter capable of being injurious to the public health or other public interests. The department shall examine or provide for the examination of persons individuals as to their qualifications to operate sewage treatment works. The department shall promulgate rules regarding the classification of sewage treatment works, the examinations for certification of operators for those works, and the issuance and revocation of certificates, and shall issue and revoke certificates as provided in those rules. Every sewage treatment works subject to this part shall must be under the supervision of a properly certified operator, except that this section does not require the employment of a certified operator in a waste treatment works that receives only wastes that are not potentially prejudicial to the public health.

(2) As provided in section 3110, the department may conduct a program for training persons individuals seeking to be certified as operators under subsection (1) and shall administer operator certification programs for persons individuals seeking to be certified as operators under subsection (1). Until October 1, 2021, the The department may charge fees for these programs as provided in section 3110. The department shall transmit fees collected under this section to the state treasurer for deposit into the operator training and certification fund created in section 3134.