Labour Friends of Israel has launched Speakers for a Two State Solution, a grassroots initiative for activists to lead discussions in the Labour party and centre-left groups about how to bring a peaceful resolution to the conflict in the Middle East.

LFI provides training and resources to ensure activists feel confident in making the case that a secure Israel alongside an independent, viable and democratic Palestinian state is the only peaceful and viable solution to the conflict.

The programme aims to promote a constructive dialogue over the issue of Israel-Palestine in the grassroots of the British left. Focusing on the rights of self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians, the value of coexistence projects, and the deep complexities of the region that belie simplistic narratives, the programme aims to bring nuance and understanding to a too often fractious and simplistic debate.

Speakers for a Two State Solution aims to reach Labour members and those on the centre-left are who are interested in the Middle East and what they can do to help further a two-state solution.

If you are an CLP or left-wing grouping that would like to host a speaker please email [email protected].