
The California State Library will limit the collection of personal information and safeguard the privacy of personal information collected or maintained by the State Library. The Library abides by all state and federal laws, regulations, and policies, which includes, but are not limited to, the California Information Practices Act of 1977, the Public Records Act, Government Code section 11015.5 and 11019.9, the State Information Management Manual section 5310-A, the State Administrative Manual section 5310.1, and other applicable laws pertaining to information privacy applicable to state entities. Personal information collected and/or maintained by the Library shall only be used for the purpose it was collected. 

Collection and Use Practices

  • The State Library collects individual’s personal information only as allowed by law to administer the programs it is responsible for providing. Any subsequent use of the information shall be limited to and consistent with the fulfillment of the purpose for which the information was collected, and/or to make disclosures as required or authorized by law.
  • The library only collects personal information that is necessary and appropriate for the types of services requested. When personal information is provided, the library will inform submitters about the general uses of the information by the library.

Management of Personal Information

  • Personal information collected by the library may not be disclosed, made available, or otherwise used for purposes other than those specified, except with the consent of the subject of the personal information, or as authorized by law or regulation. Giving of personal information is voluntary, but not providing requested information may limit access to certain services.
  • The library will not distribute or sell any electronically collected personal information about users to any third party without the user’s written consent.
  • The State Library uses information security safeguards and takes precautions and security measures to protect the personal information collected or maintained by the library against loss, unauthorized access, modification, and illegal use or disclosure.

Information Collected Automatically

  • The State Library automatically collects specific electronic information from people who visit its internet website. When an individual browses the library’s website, the library automatically collects the domain name or Internet Protocol address of the machine used to access the library website, the type of browser and operating system used, the date and time when the website is visited, web pages displayed, and any forms that are uploaded. The library does not collect home, business or email addresses, or account information from people who simply browse its website.
  • Automatically collected information does not include personal information, which may be voluntarily given through forms or surveys. Electronically collected personal information is exempt from requests made under the Public Records Act.

Third Party Analytics

  • The library uses tools to help understand how visitors interact with library websites to help improve each website. Website tracking cookies may be used to provide information to the library’s website tools. No information identifying a specific user is stored. The information collected in this manner is not subject to requests made pursuant to the Public Records Act.
  • The library does not collect, or store information that personally identifies users. The library only gathers website statistics that help improve the value of the materials available.

Individual Access Rights

Individuals who provide personal information to the library have the right to review the information for accuracy and completeness and to request corrections or deletions.


The Library must maintain a record of each disclosure of personal information to an individual and institution outside of the Library. The record must contain date of disclosure, nature and purpose of disclosure, name of person and institution to whom information is disclosed, and business address of the person to whom information is disclosed.


Data that has personally identifiable information removed or obscured so that the remaining information does not identify an individual, and information made available to the general public by the data subject are not covered by this policy.

Records Retention

The Library must retain records of disclosures for three years or until the record containing the personal information is destroyed, whichever is shorter.

The State Library encourages all individuals to use appropriate safeguards to secure their computers and the information on those computers. Please note that our Privacy Policy reflects the State Library’s current practices and is subject to change without notice.

If you have questions, comments, complaints or would like more information about the library’s privacy policy, you may contact our Privacy Coordinator, at the State Library via email or letter bellow:

California State Library
Attn: Privacy Coordinator
P.O. Box 942837
Sacramento, CA  94237-0001
[email protected]

Effective date: November 1, 2023

Updated on: April 15, 2024