Perkins & Associates, LLC

Perkins & Associates, LLC

Law Practice

Shreveport, Louisiana 1,372 followers

Louisiana Trucking Defense Lawyer

Über uns

A regional defense firm focusing on trucking, premises, products liability and recreational issues. Mark Perkins has tried more bench and jury trials than most lawyers try in their legal career, but he is a pragmatic trial attorney with his eye on the means to maneuver his clients toward the most advantageous bargaining position. Mark and his team best serve their clients within 250 miles of Shreveport, Louisiana in the northwest corner of Louisiana. Mark is licensed in Louisiana and Texas and can be available to his clients within 2 1/2 hours of Shreveport.

Law Practice
Größe des Unternehmens
2-10 Mitarbeiter
Shreveport, Louisiana
Commercial Defense Litigation, Trucking Defense, Products Liability, and Sports/Recreation Defense


Employees at Perkins & Associates, LLC


  • Another Kudo for Trucker Appreciation!

  • Trucker Appreciation Week!

    View profile for Mark Perkins, graphic

    Experienced Commercial/Trucking/Insurance Defense Lawyer and Problem-Solver

    Driver of the Week for Trucker Appreciation Week? I am sorry, I wish I had only one who embodies the hard work and integrity that defines the trucking industry. We are proud to support and defend drivers like Aaron, Bob, Cameron, David, Elton, Frank, George, Hanna, Ira, Judy, Karen, Larry, Memphis, Naaman, Oscar, Patty, Quinton, Randy, Susan, Terrance, Ulysses, Vicki, Wayne, X-not yet, Yuri and Zane every day. You know who you are and let me say, as one of many, we see you. We know what you do and we are honored to work with you and help you through this hard time. #TruckerAppreciationWeek, #ThankATrucker, #TruckersKeepAmericaMoving, and #TruckingLaw

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  • Trucker Appreciation Week

    View profile for Mark Perkins, graphic

    Experienced Commercial/Trucking/Insurance Defense Lawyer and Problem-Solver

    Thank You for Keeping America Moving: During National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, we honor the hardworking truck drivers who keep our economy moving. Thank you for your dedication, resilience, and commitment to safety on the road! "Rolling Thunder," delves into the challenges and perils faced by American truck drivers as they transport cargo across the nation. This song captures the spirit of these unsung heroes who navigate treacherous roads, endure long hauls, and keep the heartbeat of America pulsing. #TruckDrivers #AmericanHeroes #LongHaul #RoadWarriors #CargoLife #HighwayHeroes #TruckerAppreciationWeek, #ThankATrucker, #TruckersKeepAmericaMoving, #TruckingLaw

  • Practical Ways to Show Trucker Appreciation with No Strings Attached!

    View profile for Mark Perkins, graphic

    Experienced Commercial/Trucking/Insurance Defense Lawyer and Problem-Solver

    September 15-22, 2024: National Trucker Appreciation Week Although there are many who "market" to this essential industry, I wonder how many of us consider some practical ways to show appreciation not just in a week, but for a year, without any strings attached? The following are a few thoughts that likely will not bring you a single dime in revenue, but are selfless acts of appreciation: 1. Provide Free or Discounted Meals/Snacks: Partner with local truck stop or fast-food restaurants to offer truckers a free or discounted meal or snack. This can be a small but meaningful gesture that goes a long way in showing appreciation for their hard work. 2. Giveaways of Useful Gear: Offer to 4-5 local trucking companies with small but practical items such as branded hats, gloves, or safety gear. These giveaways are affordable and serve as constant reminders that you value their work. 3. Host Recognition Events at Local Truck Stops: Host a virtual or in-person appreciation day where truckers are recognized for their dedication. This could be as simple as standing at local Loves, Pilots, Flying-J, Petrol or other truck stops and handing out certificates for a candy bar or soft drink. 4. Provide Legal Workshops or Educational Resources: Host free webinars or in-person workshops for truckers about their legal rights, accident prevention, and how to handle incidents if they occur. This helps truckers feel empowered and informed. 5. Develop a Trucker-Friendly Mobile App: Create or sponsor an app that offers quick legal tips, emergency contact info, and accident reporting tools specifically designed for truckers. Having easy access to legal resources in case of an accident can provide peace of mind. We created this type of resource that is available at It's free, but accessible only by use of an authorized password.

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  • How do you, the insured, keep up with the litigation process? Do you have any idea what should be done and when it should be done? If not, let me share with you a "litigation checklist" that may be helpful.

    View profile for Mark Perkins, graphic

    Experienced Commercial/Trucking/Insurance Defense Lawyer and Problem-Solver

    LMTA Weekly Truck Talk posted a free litigation checklist we provided for LMTA members. This free "Litigation Checklist" from Perkins & Associates provides help for a company to keep track of what should be done along the way in the unfortunate event of a suit against your company. I created this "checklist" years ago as a teaching tool and general reminder of significant tasks to accomplish in the process, but I give credit to federal Magistrate Roy Payne who told me about this 30+ years ago.   While we hope your team never has to use this resource, we encourage you to review it and keep it on file. If you are not a member of the LMTA, but are a Louisiana trucking company or even a company sued in Louisiana, I am glad to share it.  

  • In case you try to connect with me on LinkedIn, you may want to consider my limitations. #connections, #invitations, #marketing, #socialmedia

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    Experienced Commercial/Trucking/Insurance Defense Lawyer and Problem-Solver

    LinkedIn connection request/response: 1. I do not respond to anyone who wants to ask me a question or who "likes my profile." 2. Unless we have met or our business/profession would align, then I will likely not respond to a connection request and I certainly will not send request to connect. 3. I do not pay for connections or impressions. I only make connections based on someone I have met at conference, worked with on cases or who have mutual interests. Likewise, the impressions to posts, if you like what I say, great and if lots of people like it, great. Beyond that, I am not trying to "grow my brand" artificially. 4. I do not see the value of having thousands of followers or connections that have nothing to do with my business, values or interests. 5. For example, I have no interest in making a connection with someone who is an expert in valuing goat farming businesses. I am not a goat farmer. I don't know any goat farmers. I am not planning on becoming a goat farmer. I have no cases involving goats. I don't drink goat's milk. I do like goat cheese, but I also like chicken and I don't have any connections with chicken farmers. So there is simply no reason for me to connect with someone who has NO business connection or mutual interest.

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  • View profile for Mark Perkins, graphic

    Experienced Commercial/Trucking/Insurance Defense Lawyer and Problem-Solver

    The burden of artificiality: Many people live in secret fear that some day they will be careless and by chance someone (friend or adversary) will see who they really are, poor empty souls. So they/we are never relaxed. Bright people are tense and alert in fear that they may be trapped into saying something common or stupid. Artificiality is one curse that will drop away the moment we kneel at Jesus' feet and surrender ourselves to His meekness. Then we will not care what people think of us so long as God is pleased. #gospel, #meekness, #authenticity,

  • View profile for Mark Perkins, graphic

    Experienced Commercial/Trucking/Insurance Defense Lawyer and Problem-Solver

    In the world of men we find nothing approaching the virtues of which Jesus spoke in the opening words of the famous Sermon on the Mount. Instead of poverty of spirit we find the rankest kind of pride; instead of mourners we find pleasure seekers; instead of meekness, arrogance; instead of hunger after righteousness we hear men saying, "I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing"; instead of mercy we find cruelty; instead of purity of heart, corrupt imaginings; instead of peacemakers we find men quarrelsome and resentful; instead of rejoicing in mistreatment we find them fighting back with every weapon at their command. The meek man is not a human mouse afflicted with a sense of his own inferiority. Rather he may be in his moral life as bold as a lion and as strong as Samson; but he has stopped being fooled about himself. He has accepted God's estimate of his own life. He knows he is as weak and helpless as God has declared him to be, but paradoxically, he knows at the same time that he is in the sight of God of more importance than angels. In himself, nothing; in God, everything. He knows well that the world will never see him as God sees him and he has stopped caring. He rests perfectly content to allow God to place His own values. He will be patient to wait for the day when everything will get its own price tag and real worth will come into its own - A.W. Tozer- A man of God Prayer: Lord, make me childlike. Deliver me from the urge to compete with another for place or prestige or position. I would be simple and artless as a little child. Deliver me from pose and pretense. Forgive me for thinking of myself. Help me to forget myself and find my true peace in beholding Thee. That Thou mayest answer this prayer, I humble myself before Thee. Lay upon me Thy easy yoke of self-forgetfulness that through it I may find rest. Amen.

  • View profile for Mark Perkins, graphic

    Experienced Commercial/Trucking/Insurance Defense Lawyer and Problem-Solver

    New Staff/Attorney Training: What are the essentials to review? In our firm, we review: 1. Billing Best Practices, 2. Procedures/Forms 3. Best Practices for Reporting to Client 4. Medical Records Discovery/Summary Protocol 5. Discovery What do you review for overview with staff/attorneys?

  • View profile for Mark Perkins, graphic

    Experienced Commercial/Trucking/Insurance Defense Lawyer and Problem-Solver

    As future Hurricane Francine looks to make landfall, all eyes are on the southeastern United States, especially along the central coast of Louisiana. Given the trend in recent history we have the potential to see a rapid intensification over the next few days which would drastically increase the impact. Please keep everyone in the state Louisiana in your thoughts and prayers. Although those of us in Northwest Louisiana don't feel the immediate impact, we typically experience tornadoes, heavy rains, flood waters and an influx of evacuees. Most people don't consider Disaster Readiness/Recovery for small business and professions, but it happens and we need to be ready implement plans of action as a rapid response to catastrophic incidents.

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