The SmartBusiness™ Academy

The SmartBusiness™ Academy

Professionelles Training und Coaching

Dallas, TX 1,671 followers

Empowering Entrepreneurs: Build Stronger Teams, Amplify Sales, Nurture Success

Über uns

Through consulting, education, and coaching, we help entrepreneurs build high-performing teams to increase their bottom line, outsell the competition, and build strong relationships with the market that sustain future growth. Pulling together key strategies from our award-winning, multi-million dollar programs, the SmartBusiness™ Academy helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses through relationship-based, consultative selling supported by a loyalty-building customer experience. We believe that Sales, Service, and Leadership are the three crucial pillars that form the foundation of a thriving business. Like a tripod, these elements work together to propel your organization toward success, and if one is out of sync, the whole structure loses balance. We understand the significance of each component and have the expertise to align them seamlessly. By implementing the right strategies, we ensure that your sales efforts are optimized, your customer service exceeds expectations, and your leadership fosters growth and alignment. Together, these three elements create a powerful synergy that unlocks the full potential of your business, driving sustainable growth, and achieving remarkable results. Say goodbye to the uncertainties of hiring the right candidates and training your team effectively. Let us empower your team to unlock new possibilities and drive transformative growth through relational selling, genuine connection, and an effortless customer experience.

Professionelles Training und Coaching
Größe des Unternehmens
2-10 Mitarbeiter
Dallas, TX
sales, customer experience, leadership, change management, business strategy, communication, executive presence, entrepreneurship, customer service, and small business growth


Employees at The SmartBusiness™ Academy


  • What’s the secret to building unshakeable customer loyalty? 💡 Our latest study reveals the truth: personalized service is everything. We asked over 1,000 buyers what drives their loyalty and what turns them away. Want to see what they said? Comment 'STUDY' below, and I’ll send you a copy of the report. Unlock the insights that could transform your approach to customer relationships and take your business to the next level. ====== 👋🏼 I’m Leslie, your strategic sales coach. If you're ready to transform your business with a team that’s equipped for growth, DM me, and let’s explore how we can achieve your vision together.

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  • Why do some teams run smoothly while others just spin their wheels? The difference might be all in their heads—literally. It’s all about vision alignment - are you ready for the BS? 🤓 🧠 When everyone’s tuned into the same vision, something incredible happens. 🦄 The prefrontal cortex, the part of our brain that handles focus and decision-making, lights up when we feel connected to a bigger purpose. It’s a dopamine rush—the brain’s natural “feel-good” chemical—giving us an extra boost of motivation and creativity. And it’s more than just a morale boost. →Alignment cuts down on mental friction we feel when our actions don’t match our beliefs. 😌 →When your team’s work syncs with your vision, sales and revenue increase. 💰 →Companies with strong vision alignment see up to a 30% bump in productivity. 🤯 Why? Because aligned teams aren’t grinding—they’re thriving, working with purpose and enthusiasm. 📌 Do you have a shared vision statement? ====== 👋🏼 I’m Leslie, your strategic sales coach. If you're ready to transform your business with a team that’s equipped for growth, DM me, and let’s explore how we can achieve your vision together.

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  • What if aligning your team with your vision was the secret to unstoppable success? 💡 For businesses, that moment is realizing how alignment between your team and your vision can transform everything. We’ve helped clients experience that shift. Imagine every sales call, every meeting, every action taken working together to drive your vision. That’s what we do. We take your vision and turn it into something your entire team lives and breathes every day. Because you know I’m all about the BS 🤓, here it is… When your team feels connected to a larger purpose, it lights up the brain’s reward centers that drives motivation, engagement, and ultimately, success. Through focused workshops and coaching, we help your team to embody it your vision as we show them how to live it in their everyday work. The result? A cohesive force whose every interaction moves you closer to your goals. 🎉 Our clients see the difference—shifting from transactional thinking to a mindset where every sale is part of a bigger dream. It’s about more than numbers (though those improve too); it’s about building a culture of loyalty, innovation, and purpose. Ready to see what your team can achieve with true alignment? Let’s make it happen. ====== 👋🏼 I’m Leslie, your strategic sales coach. If you're ready to transform your business with a team that’s equipped for growth, DM me, and let’s explore how we can achieve your vision together.

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  • Ever wonder if your team is truly on the same page, as invested in your business as you are? Alignment might be the secret sauce you’re missing for serious growth. 🌟 When everyone is aligned with a clear vision, magic happens. Your team works smarter, not harder, and your goals suddenly feel within reach. Here’s how to make sure everyone’s rowing in the same direction: ➜ Define a Clear Vision: Make sure everyone knows the destination. A shared vision is the foundation for alignment. ➜ Communicate Constantly: Keep the lines open. Regular updates ensure everyone’s in the loop and engaged. ➜ Lead with Purpose: Show your team the “why” behind their work. When they see the big picture, motivation and creativity soar. ➜ Encourage Feedback: Create a culture where your team feels comfortable sharing ideas and concerns. Alignment comes from collaboration. Aligned teams THRIVE. When your team’s work syncs with your vision, that’s when the magic happens. 📌 What’s one way you keep your team engaged around your vision? ====== 👋🏼 I’m Leslie, your strategic sales coach. If you're ready to transform your business with a team that’s equipped for growth, DM me, and let’s explore how we can achieve your vision together.

  • It’s official! 🚀 Our latest study, surveying over 1,000 buyers, is now complete, and the results are game-changing. We asked buyers what’s driving their purchase decisions in today’s market, and the insights we uncovered may surprise you. 📊 Want to know the top factor that leads to a 92% increase in likelihood to buy? Or how personalized approaches are shifting the way buyers choose who they do business with? This report is filled with the latest data on what your customers are really looking for—and how your sales team can meet those needs. 💡 Comment ‘SURVEY’ below, and I’ll DM you the link to access the full report. Grab it now and finish 2024 strong! 💪🏽 ====== 👋🏼 I’m Leslie, your strategic sales coach. Ready to align your sales strategy with what buyers truly want? Let’s chat—DM me, and we can explore how to achieve your vision together.

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  • Your revenue isn’t driven by numbers. It’s about belief. 🧠✨ If you believe that every customer interaction is an opportunity to build trust, that will drive the types of actions that lead to sales. And your customers will feel it. Belief fuels the passion and commitment that turn transactions into genuine connections that create lasting relationships. Here’s what I believe: ➜ Sales isn’t about pushing products. It’s about solving problems. ➜ Connection > automation. AI has its place, but it can’t replace the human touch. ➜ Trust isn’t built overnight. It’s earned through consistency, empathy, and personalization. Our study revealed that 41% of buyers hesitate to trust companies that rely heavily on AI. Why? Because we’re wired for human interaction. Buyers want to know there’s a real person behind the brand who understands their needs and is invested in their success. When you make your process about more than just closing a sale, you create a lasting impact. 📌 What do you believe drives sales success? ====== 👋🏼 I’m Leslie, your strategic sales coach. If you're ready to transform your business with a team that’s equipped for growth, DM me and let’s explore how we can achieve your vision together.

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  • What if your sales team could turn every transaction into a lasting relationship? 🌟 Imagine running a business where every customer feels truly heard, understood, and valued. Where your team becomes trusted advisors. It’s possible when you focus on solving over selling. At the 💗 of every successful sale is a real connection. When your team sees themselves as problem solvers and advisors, they open the door to deeper, more meaningful interactions with your customers. 📈As trust grows, so does revenue. Our recent study showed that when salespeople personalize their approach, 92% of buyers are more likely to make a purchase. 💥That’s the power of connection. 📌 What’s the best way you’ve found to make customers feel truly valued? Share your advice and let’s start a chain of great ideas! ====== 👋🏼 I’m Leslie, your strategic sales coach. If you're ready to transform your business with a team that’s equipped for growth, DM me and let’s explore how we can achieve your vision together.

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  • The best salespeople share a hidden trait, and you may be completely overlooking it… It’s curiosity. 🤔 Why? (Thanks for asking, curious one! 😉) Because curious people ask the right questions. They dig deeper. They care about the "why" behind every answer. And in sales, that’s where the magic happens. Curious minded people: →Are natural learners →Welcome change →Think outside of the box to solve problems →Value creativity and innovation Here are 3 questions to assess curiosity: → What do you do for fun? → How do you approach learning something new? → What’s a skill you taught yourself? 💡More important than your questions are theirs - naturally curious candidates will come prepared with insightful questions about the role, your company, your customers, and your vision. Did You Know? 📊 Our study found that 92% of buyers are more likely to purchase when a salesperson personalizes their approach. Curiosity drives personalization—without it, sales fall flat. 📌How do you stay curious? Share below! ====== 👋🏼 I’m Leslie, your strategic sales coach. If you're ready to transform your business with a team that’s equipped for growth, DM me and let’s explore how we can achieve your vision together.

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  • Ever felt drowned out in the digital noise? 🌊 I did too. Starting out, I tried everything—paid ads, webinars, automated DMs. The results? Not great. 🥺 So I stopped talking and started listening. Really listening. And that changed everything. 🙌 My focus shifted from chasing trends to understanding my customers. Customers became advocates, bonded by a sense of being truly heard. This shift didn’t just affect sales—it enriched relationships. My biggest takeaway? ⭐️Success isn’t about how much we say - it’s about how well we listen and respond. 📌Who’s the best listener you know? Show them some love below! ❤️ ====== 👋🏼 I’m Leslie, your strategic sales coach. If you're ready to transform your business with a team that’s equipped for growth, DM me and let’s explore how we can achieve your vision together.

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  • Looking for your next sales superstar? Take a look inside your business first. 🌟 Adopt an "Everyone Sells" mindset and recognize that every team member, regardless of role, contributes to the bottom line. Here’s how to transform every team member into a sales driver: ➜ Share the “Everyone Sells” Vision ➜ Define Impact by Role ➜ Invest in Training and Coaching ➜ Incentivize & Reward Every Role This approach not only boosts sales—it builds a more engaged and committed team. 📌 Who’s the hidden gem in your business? Shout them out below! ====== 👋🏼 I’m Leslie, your strategic sales coach. If you're ready to transform your business with a team that’s equipped for growth, DM me and let’s explore how we can achieve your vision together.

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