From the course: 1 Person Crew Video Productions: 1 Up and Running

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Working with available light

Working with available light


- Roger Deakins is perhaps the most famous Hollywood director of photography nowadays. And he shares a story that when he got started, he was shooting documentaries in Africa as a one person crew. And he used to carry with him three pieces of cloth, a white one, a blue one, and an orange one. The white one, he used to diffuse the African sun, especially at noon when it's very harsh and bright. The blue one he used to enhance the color of the sky and the orange one he used to enhance the color of the sand in the background. So one person working by himself in the African sun shooting at noon with three pieces of cloth. My point is, it is entirely possible to work with available light. The key is to understand the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. A key advantage is that the sun is available almost always and it's free. A huge disadvantage is that it's very unreliable. So if we're shooting something very short,…
