From the course: A Sales Trainer's Tips for Coaching a Sales Team

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Sales coaching impact

Sales coaching impact


- A main role for a sales coach and sales trainer is to help your team specifically know some step-by-step ways of how they can improve, whether in motivation or in technique. And oftentimes, we're helping them grow in areas that feel uncomfortable or it feels new, so it's really important for us to actually help them through this process. As leaders, we can simply show them how to do it and then expect them to be able to follow. And it's so much more valuable if we can actually break it down and teach them a way they can do it step by step, that way we can help coach them to success. Another important element of coaching is holding them accountable. And so, a coach's true role is to teach and practice with them, but also hold them accountable. Those are some important parts that a sales coach can apply to their team to help them see results quicker. The impact of coaching, when I'm training and working with new teams,…
