From the course: Adobe Illustrator Vector Brush Workshop

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Calligraphic brush usage example

Calligraphic brush usage example


- [Instructor] In this movie I want to show you how I use the calligraphic brush to improve the overall look and feel of the line work in my artwork I'm creating for this course. So let's jump into it. And up to this point it's been a distinct contrast between the line work you can see here if I toggle off this layer and on this layer. I'm talking about the clean vector artwork. And I just think it kind of contradicts the visual narrative we're creating here which is very organic with textures and brushwork. And I want to continue that with the line work. This has served as what I'm going to call an FPO for position only. And what we're going to do is select all the line work on that layer, and we're just going to change the opacity because I want it to still guide our drawings. So I'm going to set it to 25 and then I'll go ahead and lock the layer. And that's just to serve the purpose so we can see it without it…
