From the course: Advanced Google Analytics 4 (GA4) (2021)

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Creating a cohort exploration in GA4

Creating a cohort exploration in GA4


- [Instructor] Cohort explorations group users together based on common characteristics, for example, visitors who had their first visit on the same date, or purchase something, or another cohort that you define. For this video, I'll be working with Google's merchandise store data, which is available for anyone to use. The default cohort exploration is looking at active users with any event in the week after their acquisition date, which you can see as outlined at the very top of the chart area. One important thing to know is that even if you've implemented user ID tracking, that user ID is not taken into consideration when looking at a cohort exploration, only the device ID is even though they use the language of users in a cohort exploration. This middle column here is where you set your options for the cohort. There's an option here to segment the cohort. And if you need to add a new segment, of course, you click the…
