From the course: Advancing a DIBs Strategy in Your Organization

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Building strong internal cross-functional partnerships

Building strong internal cross-functional partnerships

From the course: Advancing a DIBs Strategy in Your Organization

Building strong internal cross-functional partnerships


- Rosana and I have shared a lot with you about the big picture and tactical ways that diversity, inclusion and belonging need to be embedded across your organization. To truly create belonging for all employees, you also need relationships and buy-in from partners. People who officially hold a DIBs role can only work so much and their success truly depends on partners pushing DIBs goals forward in their absence. Don't discount any part of your organization as a potential partner. Map your DIBs practices and consider where your work has not yet been taken up. How could you get partners involved? For example, in my work at a large financial institution in San Francisco, California, my team built relationships with the facilities team. I knew that environmental factors, like the art and murals on the walls, could impact whether employees saw themselves and their communities represented from the moment they came through the…
