From the course: Advertising on TikTok

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How to create a TikTok Instant Form

How to create a TikTok Instant Form

From the course: Advertising on TikTok

How to create a TikTok Instant Form


- [Instructor] An instant form is an ad format that will allow your customers to share their contact information, answer questions and schedule appointments, all that directly from your ad. In this video, I will show you how to create a TikTok instant form. In order to create an instant form, you will need to start by selecting Lead generation as your campaign objective. This is the only objective where this ad format is available. After that, once you are in the ad creation step, you can just scroll down and under Call to Action, you will find instant forms. Let's create one. Once in the Form Builder, you can choose between classic form or advanced form. What's the difference? The advanced form has some additional modules than the classic form, including brand image, form style, and additional images. Let's choose classic. Once selected your template, the first step will be go to the Form Type section.…
