From the course: Advertising on TikTok

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How to create your TikTok ads

How to create your TikTok ads

From the course: Advertising on TikTok

How to create your TikTok ads


- [Instructor] On this video, I will show you how to create and preview your ads. In the center, we will see all the information that we need to set up the ad. And on the right, you can see an ad preview. This will update in real time while you start filling in information. By default, TikTok has enabled the ad creative name as a name (indistinct) this function is enabled and it will take the fine name of your creative when we load it and (indistinct) with the ad name with the date and time data. In the next step, we need to define our identity, who is the one showing the ad? You set a custom identity by uploading an image and then type in a fake account name, only valid to show the ad. Then in our videos, we will need to select the ad format. There are three core formats, single video, single image, collection ads. The first and most used is single video. You can upload a video or create one using multiple images. The…
