From the course: Advertising on TikTok

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How to define your TikTok ad budget and schedule

How to define your TikTok ad budget and schedule

From the course: Advertising on TikTok

How to define your TikTok ad budget and schedule


- [Instructor] In the next point, we need to set Budget and Schedule. As we mentioned before, your budget can be daily or lifetime. As we selected daily already on the campaign level, we must continue with the same option. But we need to select an individual budget on the other level. The next point allows us to select and schedule. You can set on a start time, meaning ad will serve only after the start date, or you can select a day range. Here, you can select both a start date, but also an end date. Which is also useful in case you have a promotion that ends on a given day. By using end date, campaign will stop automatically without a need for us to manually pause it. Lastly, you can set dayparting. Either leave your campaigns running all day. Or if you, for example, have a store which is run on limited opening times, you can just set your ads to run from 9 to 5. In the last step for your additive setup, you can…
