From the course: Advertising on TikTok

How to navigate TikTok Ads Manager

From the course: Advertising on TikTok

How to navigate TikTok Ads Manager


- [Instructor] Getting your TikTok Ads Manager account is the first step to advertising on the platform. You can get it by searching on Google TikTok Ads Manager signup or just go to The signup process is quick and straightforward. Getting a first impression and getting around the Ads Manager will help you to get familiar with it. In this video, I will show you the TikTok Ads Manager so you can move around with freedom and know in advance where to find what you're looking for. What is the Ads Manager and why do we need it? The Ads Manager is this self-service platform that businesses and individuals can use to create and run ads on TikTok. It covers anything from targeting, ad creation, instant reports and ad management tool. But how does it work? First, you will need to choose your goal. Selecting your final objective, the platform will optimize your campaigns accordingly, whether this is raising awareness for your business or driving conversions. Then select your audience, reach the right people with plenty of targeting options. Set your budget. Enter your daily or lifetime budget and never pay more than what you're comfortable with. You can adjust or pause your ad spend at any time. Design your ad. Upload your own videos or images, or create a new video just using the video creation tool. Finally, go live. When your ad's published, the platform's smart option system will ensure your ad is shown to the right audience at the right time. Once you're logged into the Ads Manager, you'll be in front of a screen like this. This is your main dashboard and in the upper bar, you will see four main tabs where most of the action take place. Dashboard, Campaign, Assets and Reporting. On the right upper corner, you can switch accounts in case you have more than one ad account, check notifications and quick links to the TikTok Health Center. The dashboard will be the main section to get a quick high-level overview of what's happening with your advertising campaigns. The second tab is Campaigns. Here is where you can see all your campaigns, ad groups and ads. You can see all the related KPIs per each of them, like impressions, cost and clicks and many more. We will cover this more in depth in a moment. The third tab is Assets. This is your main repository to store and manage ad resources. These are events, creative, audiences, and catalogs. All of them will be key to maximize your ad delivery and conversions. The last one is Reporting. You can create all kind of elaborated reports here, either preset or customized and automate them to get them into your inbox every day, week or month. Take a moment and explore the Ads Manager so you get familiar with it.
