From the course: Advertising on TikTok

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How to set up an ad group in TikTok

How to set up an ad group in TikTok

From the course: Advertising on TikTok

How to set up an ad group in TikTok


- [Instructor] Now we have set our campaign settings, the next step is about creating our ad group, which contains every targeting specification. In this video I will show you the first steps to define the user targeting. First, let's select your Ad Group Name, or keep the default. Later, select your Promotion type. Are we sending traffic to our web, or to an app? In my case, I will be sending traffic to my web. If you have created your pixel already, you can select it. This way you can optimize the ad spend to maximize one of your events. In the next step, under Placements, you control where your ads will be shown. When you advertise with TikTok Ads Manager, your ad can be shown on TikTok, but also in other partner apps like Babe or Buzz Video, or on Pangle, which is a global network of publishers. If you're interested in maximizing your results, the recommendation will be to just select the Automatic Placement,…
