From the course: Advertising on TikTok

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Understand the TikTok ads structure

Understand the TikTok ads structure

From the course: Advertising on TikTok

Understand the TikTok ads structure


- [Instructor] In order to start advertising, first, we need to discuss some basic concepts about online advertising. In this video, I will explain to you the ad account structure, its components and some of the best practices. Establishing your campaign correctly will lead to better results if you understand how campaigns are structured and set up. TikTok, as most platforms, has a structure based on these four levels: account, campaign, ad group and ad. Each of these elements is contained in the account, which is the larger shell. Account. You can have many of them and you can switch between them. Accounts are mostly used to organize and separate campaigns. For example, if you are an agency, you will have one account per client. Instead, if you run a company who operates in multiple countries, you might create one account per country. Inside of each account, you will have campaigns. Campaigns are the first…
