From the course: Agile Software Development: Transforming Your Organization

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Selecting a framework that fits

Selecting a framework that fits


- [Educator] With so many great Agile frameworks available, it can be challenging to know which one to apply to your team. So let's take a few minutes to talk about which of the most popular frameworks is best for each type of work. Generally speaking, IT work falls into the broad categories of software development, support, and infrastructure. There is no rule that they are separate and have no overlaps because they can. What's important is to step beyond these very high-level categories and assess the work itself. Let's start with infrastructure. This includes things like telecommunications, network support, and security. Infrastructure work tends to be time boxed. There are usually hardware purchase considerations, external vendor dependencies, and defined processes for completing work. In cases like these, the teams can only control so much, but they need visibility into everything that's happened, everything that's…
