From the course: Automating SQL Server with dbatools

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More advanced database migrations

More advanced database migrations - SQL Server Tutorial

From the course: Automating SQL Server with dbatools

More advanced database migrations


- [Instructor] Imagine if the databases you want to migrate are quite large, and the amount of time to back up and restore them is longer than the downtime window you have for your migration, what then? Well let's look at a way that we can still use copy DBA database, but we can pre-stage most of the data before the downtime window, ensuring we can complete our migration quickly and efficiently. Let's check out again where our databases are first. With get DBA database, we can see that we have three small databases on DBA tools one. Now, I said we were going to migrate big databases, but we can execute the same process with any database. It'll just take longer for the first copy process if your databases are larger, the rest of the process will remain exactly the same. If you completed the previous video on simple database migrations, this code should look really similar. We are again, specifying the source and…
