From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Adding high availability to RDS

Adding high availability to RDS


- [Instructor] Now that we have a single RDS instance running, let's improve its availability by adding a standby database. To visualize, we have our Oracle instance running in availability zone A. Now, we want to create its standby. Within the Databases section of Amazon RDS, we can see that our Oracle database is now available. Clicking on it, we confirm that it exists in availability zone A. Now, we want to go ahead and make it highly available. To do so, I click the Modify button. In this case, the only thing I want to change is specify a Multi-AZ deployment. With that simple change, I scroll to the bottom and click Continue. Note the giant warning in the middle of the screen about the impact on performance of performing this operation. The impact on this demo is negligible since no one is actually using the database. I have the ability to wait until the next scheduled maintenance window, in this case Sunday at…
