From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Combining autoscaling and load balancing

Combining autoscaling and load balancing - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: AWS: High Availability

Combining autoscaling and load balancing


- [Instructor] Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling are remarkable tools to take advantage of. By pairing them together, you can design a scalable, fault-tolerant application. Now that we have an Auto Scaling group up and running, I'm going to put an application load balancer in front of it. That way, I'll have implemented a design pattern that will keep my users happy, regardless of changes in demand. From the Auto Scaling groups section of the console, I ensure that my Auto Scaling group is selected. Then click the Edit button. I proceed to scroll down to the load balancing section. Looking at the available target groups, I see one for my WordPress site. However, I want to create a new target group for the machines behind this Auto Scaling group. So I go ahead and click the appropriate link. This opens up the now familiar create target groups page. I go ahead and click the create target group button. In this case, I'm…
