From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Creating a global DynamoDB table

Creating a global DynamoDB table - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: AWS: High Availability

Creating a global DynamoDB table


- [Narrator] Now that we understand what DynamoDB is, let's go ahead and create a Global Table and test it out. Let's quickly visualize what we're going to do. First, we'll create a table in Ohio, then we will turn it into a Global Table, manifesting it in Frankfurt, Germany. As part of this process will enable Streams and ensure the appropriate right capacity. Finally, we'll illustrate how it works in its multi-master configuration. From the main AWS Management Console, I start typing DynamoDB into the fine services box. When it comes up, I click the link to take me to the DynamoDB section. Since I don't have a current DynamoDB Table, I get this splash screen with some details about what DynamoDBis. Expanding the left hand nav shows me the Dashboard, Tables, Backups, and other things that I can configure for DynamoDB. In this case, I want to create a table. So I click the Create Table button. I'm going to specify the…
