From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Creating a target group

Creating a target group


- [Instructor] With a grasp of the different load balancer offerings in AWS, let's go ahead and configure a target group for an application load balancer to point to. First, let's visualize what we're trying to accomplish. I'd like to improve the reliability of a WordPress site. Currently, I have both the web and database portions of WordPress running on a single monolithic EC2 instance. Users access it directly via an Elastic IP. In this design pattern, the instance itself is a single point of failure. If there is a software or database issue, the people I want to reach my site won't be able to. Instead let's improve the reliability of the web tier and go with a load balanced configuration. In my VPC, I've set up three WordPress instances in separate subnets. Each subnet is in a distinct availability zone. All instances use the same MySQL database to store content. In this case, it's configured in RDS. Before setting up a…
