From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Creating an ElastiCache for Redis cluster

Creating an ElastiCache for Redis cluster - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: AWS: High Availability

Creating an ElastiCache for Redis cluster


- [Instructor] Now that we know a bit more about the ElastiCache for Redis service offering, let's get going by creating a multi node Redis cluster. At the elastic cache dashboard, we can see that in mem cached, we have the existing cluster that we've created. However, clicking on the Redis link, we don't have any Redis clusters. Let's fix that now by clicking Create. This brings up the now familiar elastic cache cluster creation page. In this case, we want Redis as the cluster engine. And since I want to be able to scale horizontally, I'm going to enable cluster mode. In the Redis Settings section, I'm going to specify a name of Redis demo. I'm also going to specify an appropriate description. I then see the engine version compatibility. Let's compare that to what's currently available at in a new browser tab. Here, I see that Redis 605 is the latest stable version. Back in elastic cache land, we can see that…
