From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Creating an RDS database

Creating an RDS database


- [Instructor] Now that we have a subnet group created, let's go ahead and spin up an oracle database. Let's briefly visualize what we're going to do. In our existing VPC availability zone and RDS subnet structure, we're going to create an oracle database in Availability Zone A. Starting from the RDS dashboard, I click into the database instances link. I clearly don't have any running, so I go ahead and click Create Database. On the subsequent page, I have a choice of specifying configuration options myself, or using the Easy Create wizard. I'd like to specify all the details so I'm going with standard create. Scrolling down to the Engine Options section, I can see all of the currently available databases that are on offer in RDS. Note that if you're a MySQL user, I strongly encourage you to look at Amazon Aurora. It is a MySQL equivalent that is designed for availability and scalability. In my case, I'm working…
