From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Explore ElastiCache Memcached

Explore ElastiCache Memcached


- [Narrator] Now that we have a cluster up and running, let's take a closer look at what we just built. From the ElastiCache dashboard, I simply click on the Memcached clusters link. Selecting the Memcached cluster I just created, shows me the details about the six node cluster. Everything looks good here from an availability standpoint. In the first column, I see that there are multiple availability zones in use. I also see that I have six nodes and they are all running. To get additional details about each node, I click on the name of the cluster itself. Looking at each node, we can see its status and its availability zone. Suppose you received a call saying that application performance was slow. One of the things you would check is the status of the cache cluster. If you saw that the cluster was a bottleneck, you could add additional nodes from this screen. Since automation is the key to management at scale, I'm going…
