From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Exploring Amazon Machine Images

Exploring Amazon Machine Images


- [Instructor] Let's illustrate how we can use user data to modify an EC2 instance the first time it is booted up. As an AWS DevOps engineer, you will need to create instances. If you fire up an easy to instance based on an AMI, you will get a server which reflects that am I exactly. If your AMI contains out of date software, so will the server you just launched. By passing instructions in via the user data directive, you can tell your instance to patch itself when it boots. Here I am in the AWS web console at the EC2 dashboard. The first thing I want to do is take a look at our AMIs. So I scroll down in the left hand nav and click the AMIs link. Notice that I have an AMI called patch me. This is an AMI I created intentionally with out of date operating system software. Note the ID of the AMI. I'm going to need it when I pass it in as a parameter to the run instances command. Now let's go over to a terminal window.…
