From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Exploring Data Lifecycle Manager

Exploring Data Lifecycle Manager - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: AWS: High Availability

Exploring Data Lifecycle Manager


- [Instructor] With a basic understanding of what Data Lifecycle Manager can do, let's get into the AWS console and create a policy that will protect specific EC2 instances every hour on a rolling four-hour basis. Here I am at the EC2 dashboard. The first thing I want to do is take a peak at the EC2 instances that I have running. In this case, I am interested in protecting my web server, Web One. Selecting it, let's take a quick look at the storage associated with it. Here, we can see that we have two volumes. One, the boot volume at eight gigabytes, and a secondary data volume, which is 20 gigabytes. Looking at the tags associated with this instance, I see that it has a name tag of Web One. I'm going to go ahead and add a tag to let Data Lifecycle Manager know that I want this instance to be backed up. To do so, I click the manage tags button. This brings up a new screen where I can add a tag. In this case, I am going…
