From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Exploring ElastiCache for Redis

Exploring ElastiCache for Redis


- [Instructor] Now that we have a Redis cluster up and running, let's take a closer look at what we just built. From the ElastiCache dashboard, I click on the Redis link selecting the cash cluster I just created show's me details about this for shard cluster. As expected, everything looks as it should. It's running in multiple availability zones and there are 12 nodes present. To get details about each shard I click on the name of the cluster itself. The slots and key spaces column, shows how data is distributed across the shards. Clicking into a specific shard we can see it's nodes distributed across availability zones. Looking at each node, we can see it's status and the availability zone. Selecting the node, displays familiar EC2 instance symmetric. Looking at the endpoint column we note that each node's endpoint in this shard corresponds to that shards name, specifically, 004 in this case. Looking at the nodes…
