From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Exploring Lifecycle Manager artifacts

Exploring Lifecycle Manager artifacts - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: AWS: High Availability

Exploring Lifecycle Manager artifacts


- [Instructor] Now that we've implemented Lifecycle Manager, let's look at some of the artifacts that it creates. Here I am at the EC2 dashboard. I navigate to Lifecycle Manager under Elastic Block Store in the left-hand navigation. Here, I can see the policy that I've implemented. Clicking on the Details tab shows me some of the basics about the policy itself. Let's go ahead and look at the snapshots that are being created in this region. I do so by clicking the Snapshots link in the left-hand navigation. As expected, I see snapshots for both the route and data volumes. Clicking on one of the snapshots brings up the details associated with it. Let's go ahead and examine the tags associated with this snapshot. Here, we can see that Data Lifecycle Manager automatically adds tags corresponding to the policy that resulted in the creation of the snapshot. Now let's see what's going on in our other region. To do so, I click…
