From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Implementing backup vaults

Implementing backup vaults


- With an understanding of what backup is, let's go ahead and get it set up and configured. Consider the following scenario. Our developers work on a server running in the us-east-1 Virginia region. While most of their work is protected by version control, I've decided to backup their instance on a daily basis just in case. To identify the instances I want a backup policy to apply to, I create a new tag called backup. When it has a value of true, this policy will go into effect and the instance will be backed up. You can imagine a more complicated scenario using different tags or even values for a given tag. For instance, a tag value of daily could signify daily backups. Weekly could connote weekly backups and so on. When the backup window opens, the volumes underlying the development instance will be snapshotted. I also want to guard against a regional failure so I'm going to replicate the backups to eu-west-1 in…
