From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Removing Backup artifacts

Removing Backup artifacts


- Now that we understand how to use AWS backup to protect resources in an account and across accounts. Let's see what it's like to clean up after AWS backup. Here I am at the AWS backup dashboard in my North Virginia, us east one account. In another tab, I can see the snapshots that were created by this backup policy. Note that the AWS backup source resource tag clues me into that fact in order to remove this protection scheme. The first thing I need to do is examine the backup plan. To do so, I click on the backup plans link in the left-hand navigation. To proceed, I click into my dev daily backup plan. Here, we can see a summary of the plan itself the backup rules associated with it and the resources which are assigned to be protected. The first thing we need to do is remove resource assignments. To do so, I select the development resource assignment and click the delete button. Backup wants to make extra sure that…
