From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Simulating RDS failover

Simulating RDS failover


- [Instructor] Now that we've created a highly available RDS database, let's see what happens when we cause it to failover. As a reminder, we have the operational instance running in a subnet in availability zone A, with it's standby and its own subnet in availability zone C. I'm going to establish connectivity to the database, then I will force the database to failover and illustrate what happens from the application perspective. Here, I am logged into the AWS console at the RDS Dashboard. Let's take a quick look at our database. Clicking on database instances, we see our Oracle database running in availability zone A. Clicking on the name of the database, we see a little bit more about how it's configured. Let's take a quick look at the security group. Opening that up in a new tab, let's take a look at it's inbound rules. The first line, the 98, 22, et cetera, et cetera, was put in at the time of creation. I went…
