From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Solution: Scale-in policy

Solution: Scale-in policy


(upbeat tune) - Let's go ahead and see how we can implement a step scaling policy to match those requirements. To do so let's get into the AWS console. Within EC2, I scroll down to auto scaling groups. Selecting the ASG I want to operate on, I go to the automatic scaling tab. To proceed, I click add policy. Once again, I select step scaling. This time, I'm going to name the policy, web demo ASG low CPU. Once again, I'm going to create a new CloudWatch alarm. Going to the select metric screen, I click on EC2, and then on auto scaling group. Once again, I filter to the web demo ASG and click CPU utilization. Selecting that metric, I scroll down to the condition section where I specify lower instead of greater. Once again, I'm going to specify 50% as my threshold value. Clicking through to the next page, I again remove the notification and click next. For the alarm name, I specify web demo ASG, low CPU, and provide a…
