From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Testing an application load balancer

Testing an application load balancer - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: AWS: High Availability

Testing an application load balancer


- We now have an application load balancer pointing to a target group. Let's go ahead and confirm it's working as intended. Let's take a quick look at the load balancer itself. In the AWS console, under the EC2 two section, I'm looking at the load balancer I've created. Note that in the state column, it shows active. This is running as anticipated. So now let's take a quick look at the target groups. I click on the target groups link in the left hand nav. This shows the WordPress HDP group that I've created previously, and that it's associated with the WordPress load balancer. What I really want to look at is the status of each of the instances. To do so, I click on the targets tab on the lower half of the screen. Note that for each of the three targets, the status column shows healthy. That means that each of these instances is ready to receive traffic. Let's go ahead and test that out in a browser. Clicking back to…
