From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Testing autoscaling with load balancing

Testing autoscaling with load balancing - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: AWS: High Availability

Testing autoscaling with load balancing


- [Instructor] Now that we've made our auto-scaling group aware of an application load balancer, let's verify that the target group is aware of scaling activity. As we can see at the auto-scaling group's configuration page, we have our auto-scaling group associated with the web-demo target group. I'm going to go ahead and trigger a scale-out event. Scrolling up on the bottom half of the screen, I click on Automatic scaling. Selecting the web-demo-high-cpu policy, I choose Execute from the Actions menu. Recall this is a CPU-based threshold. Entering a value of 90 should cause three instances to launch. Clicking Execute, I refresh the top half of the screen. As expected, the desired capacity is set to six and the status is set to updating. Scrolling up on the bottom half of the screen, I click the Activities tab. Scrolling down, I see three instances in the PreInService status. Those are the three instances being launched…
