From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Understanding Amazon Neptune

Understanding Amazon Neptune


- [Instructor] Many different technologies exist to support your high availability database needs. Let's explore what makes Neptune unique. First off, Neptune is a graph database. Where DynamoDB is a no SQL offering, and RDS covers relational database engines, Neptune is a graph offering. As with DynamoDB and Aurora, Neptune was designed to run in AWS. As such, it is fully managed by AWS. As you would expect, from a scalability standpoint, it is possible to adjust the instance size associated with your Neptune database. Neptune was designed for high availability. With each database volume replicated multiple times across three availability zones, Neptune is highly available by design. Neptune supports up to 15 asynchronous read replicas to facilitate read performance. However, unlike DynamoDB or RDS, Neptune does not offer cross-region replicas. In the event of a primary instance failure, it is possible to promote a…
