From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Understanding Data Lifecycle Manager

Understanding Data Lifecycle Manager - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: AWS: High Availability

Understanding Data Lifecycle Manager


- Manual snapshot management is tedious. Fortunately, AWS offers Data Lifecycle Manager to facilitate AMI and EBS snapshot management at no additional cost. Data Lifecycle Manager focuses on EBS, centric data protection. The following use cases illustrate when Data Lifecycle Manager is an appropriate data protection control mechanism. If you have EBS volumes on which data resides, you can create an automate a snapshot protection policy using DLM. If you use Amazon machine images, which are backed by EBS volumes, you can create an automate a protection policy. This can be particularly useful, if you use launch templates for individual EC2 instances. This is also useful when maintaining the AMI's that underpin auto-scaling launch configurations. Finally, if you use the best practice to protect your data in a separate Amazon account, you can automate cross-account data protection. It is worth reiterating that you can…
