From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Understanding DynamoDB

Understanding DynamoDB


- [Instructor] While relational databases are great for transactional processing, running them in a highly available manner is complex and resource intensive. If you can make use of a no SQL database instead, AWS provides DynamoDB as an option. It's important to appreciate the availability characteristics of DynamoDB. Operationally, DynamoDB is fully managed by AWS. This is similar to the RDS offerings for relational database engines. Initial setup of an RDS instance takes a considerable amount of time. With DynamoDB, you can simply create a table and start using it. If you need to experiment with DynamoDB locally, you can download and install it on your laptop. DynamoDB tables are designed to operate within a given AWS region. Within an AWS region, it's important to understand that DynamoDB automatically replicates data across three unique locations in a synchronous manner. The ability to tolerate hardware failure…
