From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Understanding Elastic File System

Understanding Elastic File System - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: AWS: High Availability

Understanding Elastic File System


- [Narrator] Elastic file system, or EFS, is a flexible storage product from AWS. Let's take some time to understand the basic properties of EFS and how EFS can impact availability. EFS is a fully managed file service offering that spreads the underlying physical storage across multiple AZs in a given region. Think of EFS as network-attached storage for AWS. EFS can be simultaneously mounted from multiple EC2 instances. If you have a use case which requires a mounted storage volume to be concurrently accessible from many servers, EFS is going to be appealing to you. Instead of having to rewrite applications to use object storage, EFS uses the NFS protocol, which is familiar to Linux users. Recall that EBS volumes are stored in and referenceable from a single AZ. Meanwhile, EFS is regional in scope, so it can be accessed from a VPC which spans AZs. EFS is similar to S3 in that you only pay for the data you are actively…
