From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Understanding Elastic IP addresses

Understanding Elastic IP addresses - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: AWS: High Availability

Understanding Elastic IP addresses


- [Narrator] An Elastic IP address, or EIP, is an extremely useful tool to incorporate when designing systems for high availability. First, let's explore some basics about an Elastic IP. When you first create an EIP, you're creating a publicly accessible static IP address assigned to your AWS account. However, if you release an EIP, that address is returned to the AWS EIP pool and you can't get it back. Before releasing an EIP, you have to be very sure that you won't need that address again. You can associate an EIP with an EC2 instance. In the event of instance failure, you can disassociate an EIP from the failed instance. Then, you can reassign the EIP to a healthy instance. Since the EIP itself is static, the only impact to your end users is the time to reassign the EIP to a healthy instance. In order to use an EIP, an EC2 instance has to be in a sub-net which is publicly accessible. If that instance happens to have…
