From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Understanding ElastiCache for Memcached

Understanding ElastiCache for Memcached - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: AWS: High Availability

Understanding ElastiCache for Memcached


- [Instructor] As you design for increased availability, you don't want to compromise performance. In-memory caching is a common approach to help achieve desired performance targets. The managed in-memory caching service from AWS is called ElastiCache. It allows you to focus your energy on your application, not your infrastructure. Memcached is a popular Open Source in-memory caching tool. ElastiCache Memcached is a protocol compliant adaptation of Memcached designed to run on AWS infrastructure. RDS takes the infrastructure pain out of using a database. Similarly, ElastiCache is a managed offering. You don't have to worry about operational details like operating system or software maintenance. That said, the versions of Memcached that are supported by ElastiCache aren't the most current. If you need to use features associated with the latest version of Memcached, ElastiCache may not be the right option for you. As the…
