From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Understanding load balancing features

Understanding load balancing features - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: AWS: High Availability

Understanding load balancing features


- [Narrator] With an understanding of what load balancing is and some features that are common across the AWS offerings, let's explore some of the differentiating features of each type of elastic load balancer. With that foundation, let's examine some features which distinguish the application load balancer or ALB. As the name implies, it operates at network layer seven and has features which make it very attractive to application developers. In addition to HTTP and HTTPS, it supports HTTP/2. An update of the venerable hypertext transfer protocol, HTTP/2, allows multiple requests to be sent on a single connection. Because of this, the ALB allows for health checks on a per port basis. If you want to support multiple different services behind a single load balancer, you're in luck. The ALB supports content based routing to what AWS calls target groups. A target group is simply a group of EC2 instances. Options include…
