From the course: AWS: High Availability

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Understanding scaling policies

Understanding scaling policies


- [Instructor] Now that we have an autoscaling group, let's make it react to changes in demand. To do so, we need to understand scaling policies. Simply put, a scaling policy is a tool that programmatically dynamically adjusts the number of instances in an autoscaling group, based on when a user specified metric crosses a user specified threshold. There are three main types of scaling policies. These include target tracking, step and simple. Note that it is also possible to trigger scaling events based on activity in a simple queue services queue. We're going to focus on target tracking, step and simple. A target tracking policy automatically changes the number of running instances based on a specific metric. For example, you could specify a CPU utilization level of 60%. If you did, the 60% represents the target value. Auto-scaling will adjust the number of running instances so that CPU utilization, when aggregated across all…
