From the course: Azure for DevOps: Implementing Development Processes

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Collaborating with pull requests

Collaborating with pull requests


- Collaborating with pull requests. So, a pull request gives your team the opportunity to provide feedback to the developer or developers on the code that's being merged into a master branch. So, think of it as that stopgap making sure everything's right before we get it into master. Again, master being our gold code usually. So, you want that pristine master branch to stay pristine. How do we do that? With pull requests. And pull requests allow us to do things like give feedback, they allow us to do things like run automated tests, run any continuous integration build. There's various things that can be done in a pull request but the idea is that code is tested in SOLID prior to getting into master. So, what is some of the feedback criteria? Well, have the right people in the review process for the pull request. It's very important that we make sure that we have the right people that understand the code base, so…
