From the course: Azure for DevOps: Implementing Development Processes

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Hosted vs. private agents

Hosted vs. private agents


- [Instructor] Hosted versus private agents. Let's talk about the Microsoft hosted agents that you're going to be able to take advantage of. Why do we want to use those? Well, first off, the maintenance and upgrades are taken care of for you. You're not managing a build server, you're not managing a VM, you're not managing, you know, a physical machine. You know, Microsoft's taking care of all that for you. They're just offering you the machine as a service. Every pipeline that you're going to call, whether it be a release or a build, will take advantage of a new VM. So it will literally spin up a new virtual machine and you will then deploy your code to it and then build it, release it, whatever it is you're going to do with it from the build agent. It's also the simplest way to get started. Because of the fact that they're built in, you don't have to set anything up, you just select them and go. There's Linux…
