From the course: Azure for DevOps: Implementing Development Processes

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The concept of pipelines in DevOps

The concept of pipelines in DevOps


- [Instructor] Implement and Manage Build Infrastructure. Pipelines in Azure DevOps. So what is a pipeline? All a pipeline is, is the enablement of the flow of those changes that you're making to your source code or to your application out into your environments. So that's all part of the building and the CI/CD portion and making sure that flow is continuous through both the build, test, and release processes all the way out until eventually you're collecting telemetry. And so that pipeline is the full path, or the full flow, of all those changes as they go through the system, through the CI, through the CD and out into where you're getting your telemetry back to you. So pipeline stages. There's a couple different stages in pipelines. We have the build automation stage, where you're actually doing your builds. Then you have your continuous integration, where you're actually trying to take your code and integrate it into…
